Sign up for Access to the Chess Trainer Hub

We are currently working on a portal that will allow chess fans like you to login and have access to puzzles, endgame scenarios, opening trainers, and more.

We released the Beta for the Hub on May 4th, 2021 and are currently adding new courses every Monday.

If you’re interested in getting updates, fill out the form below to receive updates.

What is currently included?

We currently have included basic endgame checkmates, an ultimate guide to pawn endgames, essential rook endgame principles, and a few opening trainers, specifically for the Ruy Lopez.

chess trainer hub

You’re able to play through openings to learn specific lines and master them.  So far we have added various lines of the Ruy Lopez and did a deeper dive with grandmaster games specifically for the Closed Ruy Lopez: Chigorin Defense.

If you want to play through these openings, sign up for the beta of the Hub so you can submit feedback.

This experience is 100% free and we’re only hoping to help the chess community with a tool to improve your chess.

ruy lopez chess hub

What will be included in the experience in the future?

  • Tactics puzzles – This is important for any stage of your chess career to improve
  • Positional puzzles – This is something I’ve never stumbled across, but it will go into how to find the best move to improve your position, not necessarily gain an advantage
  • Endgame puzzles – These are essential to memorizing ideas behind specific end games
  • Opening Explorer – This will be a way to practice your openings against a computer over and over to really hammer in those specific lines

There will definitely be other aspects, but I think making this work is a great starting point.  I hope you’ll join me in this journey and I’ll continue to update anyone who signs up for this email list with new content I write and updates about the interface every week.

I plan to make this interface a free experience to see how well it turns out, but I will definitely be looking for feedback from chess fans like you as it is being built.

If you’re interested in getting updates, fill out the form below to receive updates.